Monday, February 17, 2014

Chapter 3, Learning Style and Intelligence, Feb 17-23

Chapter 3, Learning Style and Intelligence

Remember to make 2 postings of at least 100 words each this week. You can comment on these scenarios using what you have read about learning styles and personality type, reply to other student's comments or write about anything related to college and career success. 

1. You have just been assigned a 10 page term paper. 
2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
3. You have to write up a lab report for a biology class. It includes drawing of a frog you have just dissected.
4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture. 
7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar. 
8. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Students from Psychology 120 class must observe, and present an assignment based on one or more working hypotheses, meaning statements about how things are believed to behave first you are to choose a topic, research hypotheses if hypothesis can be tested.
    The student chooses to experiment in a group of people, or could be individual person. The purpose of this experiment is to learn how people react or behave in certain situations; for example you are mainly ‘looking for reactions” teachers example was someone goes to a fast food drive thru and orders food, gets to the window and requests condiments one by one taking all the time in the world just to experiment on reaction.
    My question to our class is if anyone has any suggestions on what to experiment about? Please do not send me to do to risky thing or experiments that will get me in trouble.

  3. If I was to take a college class that was taught by only one teacher and I disliked this teacher, I would look for the things about this teacher that I do like. I would also try and do my best in this class to look good to the teacher. I would make sure I turned in all of my work either on time or early. I would try to make the best out of what I have because that is the way it is and I cannot change it. If I were to still dislike this teacher I would just have to tough it out until the end of the class.

    1. Yeah, here isn’t really much that can be done, but students that dislike a professor should remember that they are in control of their behavior and that they should be in charge of making the best out of a situation that they do not find satisfactory. I agree, the best thing to do is to just be the best student that you can be by turning in your homework on time and having a positive attitude. Something else positive to think about it to just keep in mind even though they may dislike the professors methods there should be at least a small shred of likability coming from the professor because in the end they should desire your success. And when you are successful they are successful.

    2. We are human we are not going to get along with everyone, especially sometimes when it is a teacher. The best thing you could do like you said do all your work and turn it in on time. Having a positive attitude is always the best thing you could do, and unfortunately sometimes you just have to deal and finish the class. Having a bad attitude can effect your grade because you may stop caring and stop going to class, which is so important. Just remember do not do anything that would jeopardize your grade, always remember they have all the control.

    3. I like your ideas about dealing with an instructor you dislike. You can improve your chances of success by attending class and getting your assignments in on time. This will make the majority of instructors happy. It is good to try to figure out the instructor's personality type to get some clues about how to be successful in the course. I have to admit that I have dropped some classes if there was another alternative to and instructor I disliked. I have also been in a situation in which there was no alternative and I just had to make the best of it. In these cases, I did think about personality differences and learned to be flexible.

  4. If I were to have a challenging math test I would go back through the chapter and study as much as I could. I would also get a tutor if the material was especially challenging. I would study as much as I could then the night before the test I would get at least eight hours of sleep. The morning of the test I would eat a big breakfast and go for a jog before hand to clear my mind. Right before the test I would get some more studying in just to be on the safe side. Last I would listen to music while taking the test because that helps me to relax.

    1. The best thing to do is study as much as you can and make sure you understand the material. I agree with you to even get a tutor to help you out if you don't understand it. When I took Physiology I went to the tutor at least four times, because it was a difficult subject. They are there to help you and it's free, so why not. Every night before an exam I study really hard also, and make sure to get enough sleep, and eat a good breakfast, it really helps you through the day. Listening to music helps me also, on the ride to school and with my headphones on the way to class, really helps.

    2. I like your idea of getting a tutor. As you say, tutoring is free. It is important to keep up with your math class and practice along the way. It is not a subject you can just study the night before the test.

  5. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    If I had to take a class with a professor I did not care for, I would make the best of it. If you go into class with a negative attitude, the results will be negative. This has happened to me, I went into a hard science class and heard horrible things about my soon to be instructor, come to find out, she just wants her students to actually earn their grade. She didn't explain much and pretty much left us on our own to figure out the answers, which made me a stronger student. If you really really need this class, you just have to find a way to make it work, and find good study partners to help you out and forget about the instructor.

    1. i agree, sometimes you just cannot relate to your professor and just down right judge them and belittle them because of their teaching style. most of my past professors where all unattractive by the way they discribed the information, yenno making class so boring you fall asleep during a lecture. everyone comes into a class with a positive outlook but at the same time people do get defeated by the work load. learning how to just accept what you got for the semester would probably better your chances in getting over the thought "fuck my professor i dont like him/her". and getting though the course instead of blaming all semester long

    2. I also agree, if you make the best of it you will go in the class and take out more than you would have if you came in with a bad attitude. I found if you do not go into the class with a good attitude you will not learn as much as if you did. Study partners are a great way to learn what a hard professor is trying to teach because they are in the same boat as you and you can help each other learn the info better. I think you should never give up because of a professor because there are many different ways to learn or to help you learn better with a peer.

    3. Students have to take more responsibility for their own learning in some cases. A study group works great because you can teach each other. On another note, Patrick, please use appropriate words in this course. I understand the sentiment though.

  6. 2. You have to study for a challenging math test
    Math was never one of my strong suits in the past, in fact i was literally one math test away from graduating Mira Mesa high school. from what i remember i was so scared of not graduating that i had to find some way some how to pass. I took all the last minute tutoring classes and Saturday sessions just to prepare for this last test. Compared to all my other classes i was pretty straight. The crazy part about it was that it wasn't the student teacher relations pertaining to the fact that he wanted all his student to pass his class, it was because of the effort that he saw in me to prepare for it. Sometimes the usual techniques taken to eliminate test anxiety play themselves out and prove effective but on other occasions they don't. from what i learned from the past is to not take things lightly given the deadlines. i believe it takes a good enough time to come to understand what needs to be done and what actions to take to get there.I learned and repeatedly told myself to just study and don't procrastinate.

    1. I definitely agree. Especially with the statement "sometimes the usual techniques taken to eliminate test anxiety play themselves out and prove effective but on other occasions they don't. from what i learned from the past is to not take things lightly given the deadlines. i believe it takes a good enough time to come to understand what needs to be done and what actions to take to get there.I learned and repeatedly told myself to just study and don't procrastinate." I still often times have these problems. procrastinating is my worst sin in school. I really need to understand everything to its fullest and write many sticky notes on my laptop or notebook or lists in my bag to get myself to finally do something right. That and just having a busy life with work, school, family, and caregiving. With all of these under my list of things to do, I need to come with strategies that are more powerful to make myself more interested and fullly motivated to do my hw early. Especially my interest and motivation.

    2. I think you are taking the steps needed to avoid procrastination. Good for you! Procrastination is particularly deadly in preparing for a match course.

    3. im glad you feel the same way. there's always room more improvement in anyone's life and sometimes old techniques are better than none at all. maybe a good technique to work on is learning how to find more time to relax rather than taking to much time to find a way to make more time to take care of things.

  7. It happened with me last year, I took a class with a very tough instructor. It was really hard to see the face two days a week, and listen to the voice. At the beginning of the semester wasn't that bad, then I was in stress for couple of weeks, till I decided to think well about the instructor, it's this the way the instructor want's to be, I cannot choose instructors that will be my friend . After seven weeks of stress, I start thinking I will not drop a class for a person who I don't like his learning style, at the end of semester I didn't get an A, but at least I got B and I was happy to challenge myself to stay calm and didn't drop the class.

  8. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    I hate getting a class where the professor is terrible. I am in a class right now that the professor treats us like we are in first grade. Every time I leave that class I have a splitting headache because I am very pissed. I have found that because I regret going into this class my learning ability has gone down. I have learned to not care on how she treats us. I focus more on what she is trying to teach and keep a clear mind even though its hard at times.

    1. These types of classes can be difficult. Sitting in a classroom for a long period of time can be boring especially if you do not like the professor. Try to focus on the work that is assigned to in class instead of solely focusing on the professor and the traits about them that you do not like. Try setting goals like showing up to class every week and turning in all of your assignments. Also, try making friends in the class that way you have something to look forward to instead of thinking about the way the professor aggravates you. This is a way to motivate you to come go to class instead of dreading it. If you try setting short term goals every week, the semester will be over before you know it!

    2. Great ideas, Lance. We all face the dilemma of instructors we don't like, but we have to focus on our goals and make the best of it.

  9. 8. You have to prepare a 5 minute presentation for your art history course.
    Art is very interesting most of the time. I would choose a topic that I can really get into and would be able to come up with a speech that would last at least 5 minutes. Not that I like speeches or anything; actually I get quite nervous, but I prefer a speech over a 10 page paper any day. With that being said I would look at the bright side of things and try to make my presentation as entertaining as possible.

    1. Hi Kaila I totally agree with you, specially because art history is a little easier to talk about then to write about, compared to ten a pages paper.
      Hopefully it’s a topic you enjoy, making the presentation entertaining is very smart from your part, I get very nervous with presentations but I really like being well prepared and once I start talking it seems to go away, sometimes I talk too fast but I catch myself and correct my pace. I hope all goes well and good luck!

    2. Being well prepared is the key to making a speech. It is also a good idea to record yourself on your phone and take a look so you know how to improve.

  10. 5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
    If I was confronted with this situation I would first listen to the one that wants to control everything. If they are good ideas I would convince the group to let them because its a good plan and that would leave less work for all of us. If I didnt agree with the persons ideas I would talk with them and let them know we would like to express our ideas as well. We could split the project into sections and all focus on our individual parts,and then come together at the end to make it mesh well.

    1. I agree with you Kaila for your attidute .If I face this situation, I will do the same that you did. In my opinion, any group in the class ,we should face the one who like to control the project , and others who like to complain. Sometimes , who are complain just to show up himself. So, we have to convince who will be the best and decide for next step. The most important thing that, all the projects are under the Instructor aothority, so he /she will know who is the hard worker and who is the worse.

  11. 7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
    This problem already happens in each class. Always I have my dictionary in each class to help me figure out any new vocabulary . Also, I can ask the Instructor to discuss any vocabulary I can't catch up. Sometimes my Instructor put the new word in a sentence to help us figure out the meaning and never forget it. So weekly I will reading and writing and I will find that these attitudes are most useful. The most important thing that, I can get help from the tutoring center for getting some help and for free.

  12. Catherine Joyce Spence: 6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
    Typically, if I take any class that I get really sleepy in, I would have tried to be preventative to take a class that wasn't so early for example. Otherwise if I had to have taken it no matter what, I would more than likely sit up straight and lean in a little bit to feel more interested for one thing. otherwise, I would for sure take notes on the lectures or powerpoints. If not that I might do small doodles if just writing was making me sleepy. and if permitted, I might either adjust how I'm sitting or snack a little and drink just a little bit for a change or pace. Lastly I'd try to be preventative like sleeping earlier the night before or doing some exercise in the morning to wake up more.

    1. I like your response, Catherine. It shows that you have done some thinking about your learning style and the environment that is best for learning. Also taking notes is the best way to stay awake. Also it is helpful to participate in discussions.

  13. There is a class that you need to take for your major but you dislike the professor. I can understand how this scenario plays out all too well. There are professors out there that just do now seem to click with some students, whether it is their teaching style, how they talk to students, how available they make themselves for students to ask questions, or how they are presenting the course material. Every student is different and not everyone is going to like the teacher they get. Given the current situation there isn’t much that can be done when it comes to taking another course with another teacher because there is only one teacher for that subject. The only thing that can be done is to just try your best to understand the teacher early on, find out what is going to make you successful in the course. Talk to the professor after class and ask questions, try and give of the perception that you are interested in this class and that you are willing to put in the work for a good grade.

  14. 2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
    Math is not my best subject because theres a lot of information to take in. To prepare myself for the math test, I would go to tutorial when I have the time. I would study my notes that I took in class. When I'm writing notes I try to write neatly and organized so that I can look back at my notes and understand them clearly. I would ask questions if I had difficulty with problems. Studying with a group of peers will be helpful because we can help each other with whatever we need help with and give each other advice. I would continue to practice solving problems until I know the material.

  15. f I was taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. And it is worth 50% of my grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling. One of the thing that I would do is get the group together and set up a plan. Have everyone do his or her own part and meet up a couple of times before the project is due so that everyone knows what page the group is on. Remind everyone how important this project is, 50 percent of our grades. Remember to stay organized and follow up with my team members. Like this no one is doing more or less than what was assigned. Everyone wants the best grade possible

  16. 6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
    I was shocked when I saw this scenario because I just went through this. Although I find economics interesting, I was not interested in my professor at all. He had a very thick accent and monotone voice. This made paying attention in class very difficult and as a result I would dose off. In order to fix this, I started drawing in class and took few notes on the most important aspects of the lecture. I ended up getting a B+ in the class and did horribly for the first half. Overall, changing my learning style saved me in this class and helped me pass.

    1. I had the same experience when I took economics many years ago, so that is why I included it in the scenarios. I survived by reading the chapter before the lecture so that I could understand the main ideas and then I took notes.

  17. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    I always try to take one positive thing away from a class, even if I don’t enjoy it. Typically my experience has been disliking the professors teaching style, not the professor as a person. I admit that clashes in teaching and learning style have set me back in a few of my classes, especially in subjects that I struggle with. The main way I have stayed successful is taking the information that was given and changing the format to my learning style. I’m very visual and like a lot of structure in my learning. I try to condense massive amounts of information into sections and organize information that’s all over the place. On my flash cards I sometimes add a picture or an acronym to help me memorize. I’ve found that adapting to and accepting professor’s different teaching styles has helped me be successful in college.

    1. This is always a rough situation to be in, but I have to agree with you about taking one positive thing out of the class. A boss of mine once told me to " suck it up buttercup," and I've basically turned that into my mantra. Although I tend to get along with most people there's always gonna be a few stragglers so to speak and taking those certain experiences and making lemonade out of lemons is what I try to do. I also do try a little bit harder to adjust to the teacher's style and just push through until it's over with.

    2. I like your practical reply. Sometimes we just have to make the best of the situation at school, on the job or in life.

  18. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
    I would find this part of the final the easiest. Art History is a very visual class and appeases to my personality and learning style. I'm very good at memorizing facts and outlining items to make the learning process smoother. Even though I have an introverted personality, I enjoy sharing information I learn with others. By sharing it also helps me retain the information for myself. I get very nervous for presentations but having a five minute window wouldn’t allow me time to be nervous and freeze. I’m pretty creative and can draw up legible visuals pretty fast and would definitely include those. Also as a linguistic intelligence, I remember important vocabulary which would be easy to incorporate in a five minute presentation. Putting the vocabulary into bullet points along with visuals would make an effective presentation.

  19. 2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
    In order to study for this math test I would first approach it based on my learning preference. When it comes to math, I enjoy working with a tutor. They are able to help me understand the concepts and from that I am able to apply them and do the work on my own. Furthermore, if I run into any issues, the tutor is able to help me right away. If I was studying on my own it makes solving issues extremely difficult. Overall, I prefer to work with another individual when doing mathematics. However, if I must, I am able to work independently and be successful.

    1. In math and science courses, students often have study groups and find them helpful. Others in the group can often help with what you don't understand.

  20. 6. You have signed up for an economics course,and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
    This particular scenario is very similar to my political science class right now. I've had to adjust a lot. Generally background noise doesn't bother me when I'm doing homework but in this class it drives me crazy. Luckily the course in on-line so I make sure I study and read my lectures mid-afternoon when things are quiet and I wont fall asleep, or at least I haven't yet. However, nights when I can't sleep the first thing I grab now is my Political Science book!

  21. 3. You have to write up a lab report for a biology class. It includes drawing of a frog you have just dissected.
    This project would really be suited for my learning style. Working with something physical, like the frog, to help me understand anatomy appeals to my spatial intelligence. However, having to use medical tools to exactly dissect an entire frog would be very difficult, but would help me work on my low kinesthetic intelligence. The drawing portion of this assignment would be fun to work on and would also appeal to my spatial intelligence. Being a naturalist, the dissecting of the frog would not be very fun though. Overall this lab report would be just as fun as it would be difficult.

    1. I faced this situation in college with my lab partner. I was good at dissecting the frog, but am not very good at drawing. My partner could not stand touching the frog, but was a good artist. We both used our learning styles to make an A in this course.

  22. 5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.

    Working with a group of people I don't know well is not something that I am accustomed to. I have low levels of interpersonal intelligence, so this would be quite a difficult situation for me to be in. But, in trying to get the group together I would need to talk to each person to understand their position, and convince them each individually to pull together for the sake of their grades. This could help me work on my interpersonal skills. In doing this I would also get to know each person in the group, which would help us to work together more efficiently.

    1. This is a good example of using your strengths and weaknesses to your advantage. Good understanding of multiple intelligences!

  23. The worst case scenario for me would be preparing for a challenging math test. Of all subjects this is the most challenging for me. I have to focus focus and focus some more. It is not a subject I can listen to a couple times ( usually the case ) and get it down. I would ask more questions and set aside extra time for myself. I think its important to recognize what my weaker skills are.l know that in the past waiting until the last minute has not worked and led (quite quickly) to frustraition and not feeling good about myself. I would be open to others helping and this is not always easy as I prefer to work alone. I think a tutor would be helpful depending on how challengint the math test. This would also get me to start working with other ior in small groups which again not my first choice. I am confident I can rise to any challenge as long as I dedicate the time and energy to the task!

  24. 6. You have signed up for an economics course and find it difficult to stay awake during the lecture.
    For me I think it's not that hard, because if I will not take this class I will not be able to transfer, so why I would not work hard and do the best to stay a wake. There are many ways I could do to stay w wake. Drink coffee or black tea to still a wake, leave the class for a minute outside to take a fresh air and going back to the class. If I can go to the class then I need to take the advantage of that class, because each class or semester it's like a challenge for me to take the assigned classes with getting the best grades.

    1. Try taking notes. This always kept me awake and the notes were helpful.

  25. 7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.
    First I would head to the library with my text book and find a dictionary. I would flip through the text book writing down words that weren't familiar to me and use the glossary to find the definitions. Then use the dictionary as they have more information on the word such as synonyms and use the word in it's context. Then I would try to use the words in conversation, or even while writing something else like a story. If I was still having trouble I would ask my professor if they could give me some advise or even where he was getting the vocabulary from if possible.

    1. Write the words on 3X5 cards with the word on one side and the definition on the other. Computers are great for looking up definitions.

  26. 5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.
    I would ask if everyone wanted to work more autonomously. If so then I would ask the group that we try to implement a corporate structure. where we would be the board and name the person trying to control the group that he be named the CEO. I would explain that the CEO is always looked at as the leader of a company but that he always answers to the board and the board normally votes on everything before it's implemented. Then I would ask the "CEO" if he could act as a coordinator for the group figure out meeting times and days and to keep a log of our meetings. So as to give him a little control over the groups schedule and so the group can maintain some freedom and act more democratically.

  27. As part of the final exam, you have to prepare a five minute presentation for your art history class.
    My presentation for my Art class would be something visual. I would consider the use of a PowerPoint Presentation and visual hands outs. I think using mixed modes of media would increase my ability to bring my presentation attention and make it interesting for the audience I am presenting to. These visual aids would make it easier for me to engage my audience, make it fun for them and inform them on my subject.

  28. You have to study for a challenging math test.
    Studying for any exam is time consuming and difficult if it’s not your favorite subject. Math isn’t my favorite subject. I approach studying in steps. Keeping track with your syllabus is very important in order to know what is covered. Taking great notes in class is doubly important. These notes are the ones you will review prior to your test. Make time for studying. Don’t try to cover 8 weeks of material the night before the test. Make study time fun with a partner from class.

  29. 2. You have to study for a challenging math test.
    If I had a math test that I felt like was going to be a very difficult one for me, I would try all types of methods of studying. I would reread material and go over in multiple times with different numbers to make sure I understand it. I would try to come up with little rhymes maybe to try to see if that will help me remember some of their names. I would also use flash cards to memorize any equations or how to do them. If all else fails, I would get a tutor, somebody who actually understands the work to help explain it a different way for me to learn it. I would try my hardest to find a suitable way to study for the math test.

  30. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    If I was taking a class where I disliked the professor, I would either try to come to common grounds with the professor, or I would just have to figure it out on my own of what the professor expects for me so I don't displease them or myself. I wouldn't have a negative vibe about the whole situation or going to their class because that will just make the class harder for myself. The professor isn't the one who will be motivating me to go further in my career, so I just have to stay positive so I will be successful in the class.

  31. If I was assigned a ten page paper, I would try to break the work up into sections. This is not going to be as easy as sitting down one night and putting it together. As long as I can establish a plan and avoid procrastination, I will complete the paper without much stress. This is what I know I need to do. It is what a person with my learning style is supposed to do. My problem is starting that first step. If I can do that, the rest should fall into place.

  32. 7. You signed up for a philosophy course to meet a humanities requirement. The vocabulary in the course is unfamiliar.

    This would be something that I would need to take care of right away. I cannot stand to read words that I do not understand or even have difficulties pronouncing. This would cause me to do whatever research I needed to understand the words being used. Hopefully I would be able to research on my own, but I know there are tutors available. Possibly someone in my class would be willing to help explain some of the vocabulary. Of course I could ask my instructor to review some of the more difficult vocabulary during class. I could even stay after class if I did not have the opportunity during. Without a clear understanding of the vocabulary, I do not know how I would have any understanding of the material being taught.

  33. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.

    During my 3 years at cuyamaca i have had situations where I have gotten a bad teacher and there are no alternative classes. In my experience, I have only disliked a teacher based on their teaching style. If i find the teacher is empathetic toward their students, or they have an unorthodox teaching method, i have a difficult time in that class. My advice would be to find a study group so that you don't fall behind in their class. I would also advise talking to the teacher about your difficulty in the class. Usually they are more than happy to help. I have only had one instance where I have had an empathetic teacher, so i don't have many tips to give anyone. The one piece of advice i could give would be to try and have a positive attitude about the class and find something in the coursework that is interesting to you.

  34. 4. You are taking a required course for your major and it is taught by only one professor. You dislike this professor.
    This situation happened with me when I had to take two classes social work and with only one professor that was the toughest part for me because the professor was so picky and complicated that complains for a really tiny things. I was facing problems with this professor persuading my ideas, projects, and homework because I am a second language speaker I wanted to her to understand me over and over but I gave up on her. She was the worst professor I've ever seen in my life one that doesn't help and ignore you easily while talking to her. I was so diplomatic and relaxed when I was speaking to prevent problems and mistakes, but all she was doing is putting me the worst grades in class, even she said that "you are an excellent student and deserve an A in class", but I was so sad to have such bad experience with her. Now I am happy that I passed both classes successfully and moved forward to my next goal.

    5. You are taking a business class and have been assigned a group project to design a small business. It is worth 50% of your grade. One of the group members wants to control the group and the others seem to be rebelling.

    I would like to speak to the group members and make agreement on how the project can be and how can we each of us participate on doing it and each one completes the next and the next to another. I suggest to meet my group members somewhere quiet even if we don't have a good leader I will try to give each one his/her own task to continue doing the project especially it's 50% of the grade, so if we fail doing it the project we will fail the class probably. I would speak to the teacher and ask him to move to another group or just talk to my group members to have a nice project done. Being patient and nice with people will change any situation in my opinion for better communication.

  35. 1. If I were just assigned a 10 page paper, I would definitely take my time in reading requirements for it and making sure that I am able to understand the prompt completely. By doing this early, I am ensuring that I know what is asked of me and if I had any questions I would be able to get them answered right away! Right when I have finished understanding everything I need to know about the actual paper, I can take my time in researching any evidence and facts to use for my quotes and basically have everything ready ahead of time. I would then set aside a few continuous days throughout the week to start and finish the essay, so I can still have my brain going strong on what I want to write about. This will help me to make sure I have all the resourced needed, along with finishing the assignment on time.

  36. 6. Trying to stay focused on lectures, is definitely a really difficult task to complete, especially if it isn't a very exciting course. One way to help you stay focused, is to make your brain mentally active, even if it doesn't seem that interesting. Find ways that help you stay focused, such as writing notes on a paper, using colorful pens or highlighters to brighten the notes, use your laptop to jot things down that you're listening to, or even bring ways that can get your mind working. A good way to keep yourself awake in class, is to make sure you're getting a good amount of sleep the night before. You can't overdue it, and you certainly can't under do it, so just get a perfect amount of sleep and grab a large coffee to go before class starts!
