Monday, March 17, 2014

Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading, March 17-23

I enjoyed reading about all your goals and time management strategies on the blog last week. Many of you have challenges with work, family, school and social life. Keeping your focus on your priorities, breaking the tasks into small parts and finding a reward will keep you on the right path.

For this week, read the following situations and comment on two of them using ideas from Chapter 7, Improving Memory and Reading. Have a great week.

1.            You just read the assigned chapter in economics and cannot remember what you read. It went in one ear and out the other.
2.            In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
3.            You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.
4.            You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
5.            You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
6.            You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
7.            You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
8.            You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

9.            Comment on any other students' posts.  


  1. 1. Funny enough is I had this problem with economics last year. I enjoy business classes and math, but for some reason economics just wouldn't stick. I found that if I read out the information to myself instead of just memorizing it, it helped. Also trying to answer problems without having my notes opened helped me absorb the information better.

  2. 4. It is very helpful with teachers give you a heads up on big assignments. If I knew I had to read 400 pages in one month I would break it down and divide the reading up per night. To stay consistent is key. I would have to schedule the times and pages I would read each night and if I missed a night I would make it up the next night. Also so that I would not forget all the information I would right important information on sticky notes and keep it in my book so I could refer back to.

    1. Saralina Carman
      I totally agree on breaking down the information, usually teachers are very good about letting you know ahead of time if you have a huge project. I would probably divide in parts the 400 pages and read daily at an early time when your mind is not tired and more receptive and perhaps review in the evenings, I like to highlight and mark with little arrows important examples.

  3. 2. I recently took Anatomy and Physiology and you literally have to remember everything in the body. Every cell, tissue, bone, on top of that muscles, and there are thousands and the function of each. It is very difficult, but you just need to find your best way of memorizing things. I wrote everything down on flashcards, grouped them by muscle, bone, tissue and cells and also spent most of my time in the open lab physically touching the bones and the muscles, because that is the only way you will learn it and get a good grade. Repitition is key to these classes, and writing everything multiple times helped out a lot. Start the studying process early, and memorize a little everyday, then the next day memorize more, then just keep adding on from there. Spend 20 minutes of what you have memorized and it will stick in your brain.

    1. Spending time physically touching the items to learn them is a great idea. I also find that finding blank printouts of things where I can fill in names and quiz myself is a good study process. Sometimes professors give a visual study guide that I recreate and fill in. Utilizing study guides is also a good memorization technique because a lot of professors pull questions from the study guide. While you are filling out the study guide, you are also scanning for important information or important details which get stored in your long term memory.

    2. Your post is an excellent example of applying various memory techniques to remembering a log of material. Thanks for sharing these ideas with the class.

  4. 5. History can be very boring at times, but there are also things about it that makes it interesting. If you know you have to take this class, why not make the best out of it? Finding things that interest you will help you make your way through any class. People are in school to eventually graduate and move on with their lives, so if the one class that you have to take bores you, well just think you won't ever have to take a class like that again, and to make the best of it, and you might come out of it learning a lot that you never knew before.

  5. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.
    The best way for me to remember scientific names is to write out my notecards and recite them over and over. I also write certain words that I am having trouble comprehending repeatedly until I get it. Since I am very visual, writing out each word is allowing me to see the word as well as its spelling. I would study my notecards periodically throughout the day and spread it out over a few days to avoid cramming and getting confused.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. 3. You signed up for a philosophy class because it meets general education requirements. You are not interested in the class at all.

    I'm not interested in a certain class I'm taking, whether philosophy or not. But using this class as an example, I would question seriously what could be interesting about this class. Some questions I would pose would be: Why am I taking this class other than GE? What kind of concepts could I learn this semester that I wouldn't find intersting? And even more questions whether about the classes or how I think about each different type of philosophies I learn throughout the class. I'd have to get myself interested. Find something that makes me brain tick and keep pondering it.

    8. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.

    While I age, I want to keep my mind healthy and active. Activities to keep my brain active would be activities that I perosnally enjoy and challenge my mind. For an example, dancing and exercising is a fun activity that will keep my min active. Other activities I enjoy are playing the piano, reading and writing poetry, doing crossword puzzles and sudoku, and finally drawing and painting. I would continue other fun brain exercises that keep me thinking and developing my mind.

    1. The lifestyle choices that you have suggested such as physical activity and memory games, may help support brain health and prevent memory loss. These physical activity lifestyle changes have been shown to lower the risk of other diseases, like heart disease and diabetes, which have been linked to Alzheimer's. A healthy diet is also important for overall health, including brain health. Staying connected socially will also help you stay connected mentally. Stay socially active through work, volunteer activities, travel, hobbies, family and friends. So a combination of physical, mental activity, social activities and a healthy diet is a great start for a healthy body and mind.

    2. Positive thinking and finding an interest are great ways to improve memory. Currently we are more focused on good brain health since it is likely that we will be living longer. Exercise is super important for general health, including the brain. Great post!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Question 4: You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.
    I have a set deadline of 30 days. I would have to plan ahead so that I do not have to cram. My first approach on my deadline is to develop a positive attitude because attitude has a significant impact on memory. Approaching my studies with a positive attitude will help me find my reading interesting and make it easier to remember. The first step in reading 400 pages is to skim the chapter’s headings to form a mental outline of what I will be learning, then read for detail. I would then use a review schedule as listed in section 3 of Chapter 7. The proper use of reviewing using meaning, associations, organization will help to minimize forgetting. Learning small amounts of material and reviewing frequently are more effective than a marathon study session. I would use the distributed practice to take away some of the pressure of learning; take breaks between periods of learning. Give myself time to absorb the material.

  10. 8)Every brain changes with age, and mental function changes along with it. Mental decline is common, and it’s one of the most feared consequences of aging.Therefore there are some ways to keep me stay healthy . Initially, any mentally stimulating activity should help to build up our brain such as read, take courses, try “mental gymnastics,” word puzzles or solve math problems.Also,using our muscles may also help our mind active. Moreover, exercise also lowers blood pressure, improves cholesterol levels, fights diabetes, and reduces mental stress, all can help our brain as well as our heart.

  11. 1)I will tell myself that I can read and understand. I'll focus on what I can understand.Also, I'll look for the key ideas and underline them. I'll make a mental picture with the material I'm reading. I can write a question in the margin and ask my instructor or tutor to explain.By looking for personal meaning , I can relate the material to my life in any way. I can do a quick scan of the material, so I can find some major points and then reread the material closely. Moreover, I can try talking to the text as I read it .Also, ask questions and challenge the material and think critically about it. I can read the paragraph again until I get into the main point, I may need to reread a paragraph until I understand.

    1. Your post is an excellent example of how to improve reading. It is especially helpful for English as a Second Language students, but can be used by anyone to improve reading. Great post!

  12. 7- it's not easy to take Algebra if the person doesn't do each question at least two times. Because it's not as east class, and on the same hand it's east to learn and easy to forget. One of the skills that I learned in this Chapter is instead of writing down a name that I want to remember many times, I will write down the question and the solution for it at least two times, in this way it will not be that hard to take the class and pass it with a good grade.

  13. 8- I will use the skills that I learned in this chapter to keep her mind healthy and I will use these skills. First I will ask her to eat fresh vegetables because it's very useful for keep the brain fresh. Then I will ask her to start saying in loud what she wants to remember, in this way she will start saying what she wants to remember and will be at least three times per day to say in loud. Final thing I will ask her to do it taking a piece f paper with her, and use a marker (Red or Blue) and write down what she wants to remember, the color will remind her and when she will write what she wants to do it will not be that east to forget it.

  14. 8. To stay healthy I will find time on my schedule to exercise everyday. Exercising in the morning will give you energy the rest of the day. Exercise improves the flow of oxygen to the brain. The brain needs oxygen to function. Getting enough rest will also help restore the my memory. I will eat and drink nutrients, vitamins, and minerals. I will not use drugs or alcohol because there are no benefits and are bad for the body. Working on puzzles will help improve my memory. Living a healthy lifestyle will benefit me in the long run.

  15. 2. To help memorize a 100 different names of muscles in the body, it will be helpful to make up a rhythmic song. I personally have done this before and it helped my memory because i had recited it multiple times until i knew the song. I rehearsed the song multiple times throughout the day and before the test i remembered it word for word. I forced myself to try to remember the song because if i was not willing to i would have not practiced it. While i was learning the song, i practiced it in small steps first and then combined it all together.

  16. 3. This is an experience that I assume that most people can relate to. I have found it difficult to learn something that I am not interested in. Philosophy class can be interesting because it gets to the foundation of logical thinking, critical thinking, and ethics. For those that are not interested in the class, it is important to read the book and understand the chapters. It can sometimes be interesting and other times be rigorous due to critical thinking. I found it good to just keeping reading over the concepts and to make flash cards with what I had read.

  17. 4. The only real way that I can see doing this is to split up the reading over the course of the month. I don’t see reading the whole 400 pages in a short span of time a very reasonable thing to do. I would want to give myself this time to read so then I could take notes and have time to highlight what I knew was going to be on the mid-term. To me this would be the most efficient way to study and there may be extra time to read again after the first read.

    1. Dividing up a large project into smaller parts is a great way to tackle a large project. Students get into trouble waiting until the last minute to start large projects. Great post!

  18. 1. I can definitely say that reading material seems to always go in one ear and out the other! I have such a hard time focusing when it comes to reading long boring paragraphs, but I know it is important so I just keep re-reading over and over. After this past chapter in College Scope, I realized I just need to listen to these words! I can skim over the paragraph and overlook the main ideas. In doing so, I am then able to review, ask myself some questions, then be able to read the text again and this time with no problem!

  19. 2. Trying to remember many different terms for a class is definitely a struggle we all have to go through at least once in our life. Having to memorize almost 100 words, is one difficult task, so using some memorization skills could help with that. If I was in this position, I would create acronyms to make a song or list of words within different groups, and relate them to its definition. You could also use the peg system to start relating the words with one, two, and so on! Using either of these memorization skills could help when it comes to remembering an abundance of topics.

  20. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    Always stay positive, if you go in thinking that this class is boring then yes it will be boring and it is going to be that much harder to pass the class. Try and make this class fun or even relatable. Some of the different ways that will help any student is by making flash cards to remember dates and important facts. Write down important quotes or note page numbers on a separate piece of paper so that you don't have to go back and find them later when you are writing about them.

  21. If I read a chapter for economics and did not remember anything I read, I would take a more structured approach to reading the chapter. First, I would try to figure out what the chapter is intended to teach. I would look for questions pertaining to the chapter or possibly get the main ideas from the opening paragraphs of different sections of the chapter. As I re-read the chapter, I would try to answer the questions or get more details about the subjects that I have decided are important. I would probably also re-read the chapter a few hours after taking my notes or maybe the next day.

  22. You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
    Some of the different ways that I would be able to help her and make sure she is eating the best foods. Make sure she is getting in her fruits and vegetables, also make sure she is getting in her protein. Hopefully she is getting a good nights sleep, when you sleep your brain is rested and ready to work at it's best. Help her write things down, make her a list if she need to go shopping so she can make sure that she doesn't have to make more that one trip.

  23. 2. Remembering 100 different muscles would be a difficult task. I do not think I would try to learn all of the muscles.
    I would break them in to sections determined by the region of the body. Understanding the terminology would be very important, too. The difference between anterior and posterior, or medial and distal would be a huge benefit to understanding why these muscles have their names. Once I have established a few different groups while understanding why they have their given names, I could then start the exciting process of repeating them any which way that helps me recall that many muscles at any given time.

    1. Grouping the items is a great way to be successful on this project. Great post!

  24. 4. I believe it is not that bad to read 400 pages in a month. I am not a very strong reader but I do like to read sometimes. When I have to read something for school I would space it out so I don't have to read too much at one time. If I needed to read 400 pages in a month I would space it to were I would read 100 pages in each four weeks. You will not learn anything if you try to read it all in one night or about one week.

  25. 7. I have always been good at math. If you are not good at math or you just cant understand it you have to study till you get it. Another thing I saw there is that you don't think you will pass the class. I was taught this last week with the military that if you came in thinking you will fail, you will fail. I was told to go into every situation with a good attitude even if you don't know what to do because if you have a bad attitude about it you have already failed. All I have to say about this is go into this math class thinking you will pass. Even if you can not learn anything math related you will get more out of the class with just having a good attitude about it.

    1. Yes, if you think you will fail, it will certainly happen. Thinking positively is a powerful concept.

  26. 8.You have noticed that your grandmother is becoming very forgetful. You want to do whatever is possible to keep your mind healthy as you age.
    This is a situation that hits close to home as I've now been taking care of my Grandma with Dementia for the past two years. Seeing her memory fade the way it has, has made me realize I need to make good decisions about my health. After doing lots of research on the subject, I changed my diet and trying to exercise regularly. I also do activities to stimulate my mind and keep my brain in tip-top shape.

  27. 7.You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    There are several ways to help mend this situation. To start, I would absolutely have to change my thinking. Instead of reminding myself about how bad my past math experiences are, I could start to change my thinking. I would fake being excited about it and try to think of success in the class rather than failure. I would use flash cards and repetition to help retain the information. I would also set-up tutoring appointments and make sure to spend lots of extra time in this particular subject since it's a weaker point.

    1. There is an old saying, fake it until you make it. It works!

  28. 1You notice your grandmother is having trouble memorizing, how do you help?

    If I noticed she was having problems with her memory, thee a few things I would do. for starters getting her to do daily activities such as walking, or a yoga class. Getting her mind and body going, may be helpful. I would also lke to get her to do brain teasers like puzzles and reading a book she likes then talking to her about it.This would be helpful because she is also engaging in a conversation not just sitting alone and reading. I would also look into activities in her area with other seniors.

    2. You tell yourslef you are bad in math and are taking a math class, what do you do?

    I can definitlely relate to this, as math is by far my worst and most dreaded subject. I find myself saying that all the time, 'your not good at it so how will you pass'? As a mater of fact just this week when I went in to see my counselor for the education plan assignment it came up. Once he got to the math part, my first thought was I should do that last because I dont want to deal with it. This is not the right attitude to have and especially after reading this chapter, I can see how it can and will have a negative impact on me if I keep thinking this way. Instead I have to tell myself this is somehting that (with hard work and committment) I can and will do it. I will pass my math class like all my other classes!!

    1. Make sure to take math early. Delaying it will delay your graduation.

  29. 4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    In order to tackle this feat, I would first plan out my schedule. When it comes to reading a book, I enjoy reading before I go to bed. This will take up at least an hour of my time so I start off with that. Other than that, I will try to plan for social and fun activates. Maybe on some days I will have to double up on reading. And most importantly, I will not force myself to remember every little thing. Instead, I will focus on the main points and try to make personal connections with the book.

  30. 7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.
    My first step would be to talk to the teacher about this. Typically, he or she will guide me by saying to visit them during office hours or visit the tutoring center. That will usually solve the problem right there. However, if that still doesn’t help then I might try to form a study group with my peers. Overall, I would have to focus extremely hard on the homework and study a lot. There is no easy way to get around this obstacle.

  31. 2. In your anatomy and physiology class, you are required to remember the scientific name for 100 different muscles in the body.

    I would take the time to write the name of each muscle down on an individual note card. The act of writing each one down will help me remember the names. Then I would take the note cards with me. I would review them in my free time. If I spend short amounts of time studying over longer periods I can better retain the information. I can say each name out loud as I go through the note cards and try to picture each muscle's location in the body as I go over it's name. I can separate out the muscles by their location in the body and create acronyms for each group. Smaller groups of information are easier to memorize and the acronym will make recalling each muscle name easier.

  32. Many times before the name of someone that is being intruded is forgotten, Its happen to me many times and I always wondered if it happens to other people and know I can verify that it does happen.
    For know on I intend to repeat the persons name and ask what department they work for that way I may associate and interest to me and remember the person name and work activity. This way I will apply the stages of memory and store the information in a long-term memory.

  33. 7. You are enrolled in an algebra class. You continually remind yourself that you have never been good at math. You don’t think that you will pass this class.

    If I change my perspective I will have a better chance of passing. I need to look for something interesting in the material that can get me excited to learn other things. If I think positively about the subject and assignments I will do better than if I continue to doubt myself. I need to simply try my hardest and trust that I will do well. I need to believe in myself and my ability to do well in a class bases in exact values and simple computations. If I can practice the methods of problem solving then I can pass the class. I may need to try tutoring or go to class before or after hours. If I really do have difficulty with math I might need some extra help or outside assistance to help me get through.

  34. 4. You have a mid-term in your literature class and have to read 400 pages in one month.

    My thoughts on this would be an automatic spike in my stress levels because of how much I procrastinate with written assingments. The first thing I would do is try my best to read 400 pages retaining what I can. Then breaking up the parts into chapter outlines I can carefully organize all pieces I need to formulate my paper. Idsay that the time limit would affect me the most , also knowing that its for a midterm. Reveiwing and editing at the end would be the best part because I would be able to rewrite or revise the 3rd or final drafts.

  35. 5. You must take American history to graduate from SDSU. You think that history is boring.
    I am now in the same situation of taking American Modern History before going to SDSU, so I can graduate from there without it taking it there anyways. American history can be very fun sometimes, but for the most truly it is very boring and complicated and has a lot of information; especially is the tests I get confused about America's past president and who did this, who did that. It seems so in formable, but at the same time it's very hard and boring I am keeping with it right now and going through it just to get rid of this class and so I won't take it again in SDSU. Also If I didn't take it now and probably will do the impossible to graduate and get my degree, so it's not a big deal I will take the history whatever happens and even if I spend my time working on it but still for my degree I would scarifies to get the bachelor.

    6. You have been introduced to an important business contact and would like to remember his/her name.
    This situation have had happened with me million times I think I don't store names in my long term memory I don't even know why, but I totally hate it to be in this position because I considered shame and ignoring people who are trying to help me out planning on a project that can benefit my life. I promised my self to remember names or to store them in my long term memory so I can confident of my self and not being shy. After I meet people I will repeat their names over and over to stuck in my head so it can be deleted easily for better understanding.

  36. 6. A trick to remembering things such as names of people or places is to create an association between the word you are trying to remember and the person or place itself. Also, some people suggest that when you trace the person’s name on your leg three times after meeting them you might increase your odds of remembering their name. When you make an attempt to remember names every time you meet someone, it gets easier and easier.
    8. The best thing to keeping your mind healthy is to continue education throughout life. Many people play games such as bridge as they get older, and it is no surprise that these same people tend to be sharper as they age. Someone from our generation might play video games as a way to improve their reaction time and mental performance, and there have been many studies that show that this is indeed a great way to sharpen the mind. One published in Nature, for example, confirms that “after 12 hours of playing a road game designed to improve focus and attention, healthy people ages 60-79 performed as well as people a half-century younger, and these improvements were still evident six months later, and they extended beyond the skills learned for the game.” Source:
